Thursday, September 22, 2011

The hunter and his quarry

From last weekend's excursion to Birdsboro.  Top, my usual climbing partner on a 5.9.  Below, a new acquaintance on a 5.10.  Or maybe 11?  I can't remember.

This was my first trip to Birdsboro, a disused section of a still-active quarry about an hour from Philly.  It had a nice range of climbs for scrubs like me (5.9s), and a big-boy wall (5.10+ to, I think, 5.14). My second time climbing outside, my first time leading outside, and all in all, a very relaxed, enjoyable day in perfect pre-fall weather.  The nicest thing about climbing outside?  My hands didn't seem to get as sweaty- maybe cause of all of that naturally occurring chalk ("dirt").  I was, however, much more conscious of taking a fall on lead- those rocks are shaaaarp!

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