Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chimney Sweep

DN rocking a rare bolted chimney called, aptly enough, Sport Chimney in Red Rocks, NV.  This was actually the first chimney I've led (they're not too common on the east coast, and those that do occur aren't usually longer than a few moves).  It was a funny one, mentally, because the bolts were pretty far apart and you would start to think "man, this is kinda run out, i'm getting nervous..." and then you would remember that all you have to do is lean back on the opposite wall and you ain't never going nowhere.  Ass-cam.

Still, I don't think I'll ever be one to sing the praises of chimney or off-width climbing.  One of the things I like most about this sport is the spread-out freedom and elegance (well, elegant when it's going well, at least...) of the movements on the wall.  Being confined in a chimney or off-width is inherently limiting, and there is a tendency towards thrashing or having to repeat the same small moves over and over as you shuffle your way up.  Plus, if you get into the harder off-widths, it seems to often result in the voiding of various bodily fluids, whether in fear or effort.

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