Thursday, May 19, 2011

Crater close, yet so far.

This image infuriates me.  I feel like it is so close to being really compelling, but there is something off compositionally.  Have made many assaults on it in photoshop, trying to punch up this area or that, or alter the exposure, the contrast, the saturation, etc but to no avail.  It just ends up losing the dreamy, ethereal quality of the raw image without gaining any *pop*.  So I give up- I send this thing out into the world in its untouched state, good but not great.

As far as the scene itself- man, it was beautiful.  This mist was just tumbling down off the southwest rim and the lake itself was a frigid, steely blue and everything had a thick coating of hoarfrost that sparkled in the sun...even the snowshoeing couldn't detract. 

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