Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Still Pretty Damn Kinetic, Still Pretty Damn Kensington

Maybe you did fool the Philadelphia, rag the Rochester, josh the Joliet.  But you never did the Kensington kid.  You?  Never!  Did the Kensignton kid?*

Come with me, if you will, back into my time machine to the year 2010 where we are still a blissful year from Judgement Day and enjoying some kinetic sculpture ("sculpture").

I have to assume these guys totally envisioned how it would look to drag "Real Healthcare Reform" and "Single Payer Insurance" through the muck (of partisan politics? of powerful lobbyists?  of OMFG SOCIALIST!! scaremongering?)- its just too apt.  Although their analogy kinda falls apart when the guy labelled "insurance company" tries to help.

And how is that coulrophobia coming along?

*Big ups to anyone who gets this reference (no google, dammit!).  Boyfriend is excluded because ostensibly he pays attention to what I read.

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