Sunday, May 8, 2011

(Pixellated) Flowers for my Mum

Yes, it is a virtual bouquet, but on the plus side a) no flowers were harmed in the making of this Mother's Day gift, and b) didn't have to propagate the hallmarky consumery grossness of this most sacred day.  I took this picture in Suzhou garden, on a day that was actually rather strife-filled and unhappy for me.  But it was my Mom (and, I guess, boyfriend) that cheered me back up and let me enjoy and remember all the aspects of the day (and there were many) that weren't unpleasant and strife-filled.  My mother is simply a good person- compassionate, empathetic, giving, and supportive.  All qualities I hope to have should I pass on these genes to another generation.  Yep, I said it- I want to be like my Mum.

I love you Mom!  Happy Mother's Day.


  1. I don't recognize myself in this tribute, but I am honored and a little humbled. And to be completely honest, I'd give anything to be more like YOU! I love you, too, Ashley! You make me a very happy mother.

  2. Aw, you guys are seriously cute! I love you both!

  3. We're a pretty sappy family at times, its true.

    And Mom, one of the things I wish most for you is that you *would* be able to see yourself in such a tribute- because its not the slightest exaggeration. :)
